Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Intial ideas




The phone is a major part of iconography in our film as the unknown number calling Amelia’s phone starts to raise suspicion. The crack on the phone suggests that the character is careless and vulnerable. We watched ‘Scream’ and used the idea of having a phone ringing this hints that something severe will happen to the character later. For example when ‘Casey’ picks the phone in the first scene of ‘Scream’ she starts to have a conversation with what will be her killer but she doesn’t realise this as she is a naive and immature character.

The fake blood on the trees which was made from red and blue food colouring with gelatine, this made a realistic blood effect is an important aspect for our film as it makes the opening daunting and make it seem more a horror rather than our previous attempt where nothing sinister was happening.                                                                                                                                                                         

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Shooting schedule

We had changed our shooting schedule as we had changed from our intial idea, before we were going to be fiming at a house with different actors however since we changed our horror film idea we therefore had to create a new shooting schedule for the new location and actors.