Wednesday 27 March 2013

Evaluation What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product


From the process of constructing this product I have learnt how to use the Samsung NX100, as we used this camera for filming our main film. The strengths of this camera are that it has great video quality and is fairly simple to use. However a negative about the camera was the sound quality it struggled to pick up speech this could have been resolved with having a microphone near the actor but we were restricted as we were unable to get access to a microphone. But we resolved the problem by having the actor speak louder so the camera could pick up the sound.

From the process of constructing this product I have developed my knowledge of the computer we were using as all the software we needed was on this computer for example Adobe Premier Pro CS4, Internet and Microsoft. The strengths of this we were able to alter our work when we needed to as it was saved to the computer however sometimes the computer wouldn’t save my work and I would have to restart which is a big restriction on progression with the film but I overcame this by saving my work on a memory stick in addition to the computer.

From the process of constructing this product I have learnt to use Adobe Premier Pro CS4, as this was the best software available for us to edit the film. A strength of using Adobe Premier Pro CS4 is simple to navigate around as I have never used it before, another strength is that the effects looked professional compared to software such as Windows movie maker which looks very amateur. However a weakness of using Adobe Premier Pro CS4 was that rendering and exporting was difficult as to begin with only rendered 20 seconds of our film however we solved this problem by dragging the timeline arrows in the correct places it then rendered and exported our entire film opening. Another weakness we encountered was how to increase the volume levels as it wasn’t to find this but we researched it on the internet and we were able to increase the volume levels.

From the process of constructing this product I have developed my knowledge of the internet by learning how to use Blogger to upload the planning, research and evaluation questions. A strength of Blogger is that is a modern way to upload our work, another strength was that we could edit our work and update changes we needed to make. It also helped me keep organised and it allowed me to keep a record of my learning journey.
From the process of constructing this product I have used Microsoft throughout as in the planning, research, production and evaluation stage as I have used word and PowerPoint to organise the film for example the shooting schedule, the analysis of the films we watched and to encode our film. I used Microsoft Expression Encoder 4 to encode our film however this was a weakness as our footage was temporarily lost as the camera we used automatically encoded our film this meant that we didn’t need to use Microsoft Expression Encoder 4 again.

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