Monday 11 March 2013

Prom Night Analysis

Prom night – 2008 - Nelson McCormick

The titles appear in this order; the production company, the name of the film, the names of actors come up with the most famous and main characters appearing first, the people who cast the actors for the roles, the costume designer name, the music supervision titles, who the music is by, the editor, the production designer, the director of photography and the executive producers. This will influence our film as we will put the titles in this order so it looks professional.

The time of the horror is at night as there are a few street lights and the camera also pans over a large woodland that looks dark and mysterious the effect on the audience is that they recognise this is a horror convention.  This will influence our production as we will include some of the horror conventions such as the woods.


The non-diegetic music in the opening titles isn’t very unsettling or typical horror music, the effect on the audience is that they don’t immediately feel scared, they could have done this as later on, she finds out it is a dream. This will not influence our film as we want music that will cause tension as we only have two minutes to create this impression.

Camera shots and movement

The aerial view of the shot panning over the location in the opening titles is effective on the audience as it feels like they are being taken on a journey. This will not influence our film as we don’t have enough time to create this and it would also not be relevant to our storyline.

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